
Anthony Lui (呂琪)
Anthony Lui (呂琪)
An Assistant Professor at HKMU studying Rab-like protein 1A (RBEL1A) oncogenic GTPase
Carlos Chau
Carlos Chau
An Assistant Technical Manager at D24HInnoHK@HKU working on bioinformatics and applied AI
Chong Zhang
Chong Zhang
A researcher at Peking University working on technologies such as NGS and CRISPR
Chung Sze Or (柯頌詩)
Chung Sze Or (柯頌詩)
A second-year PhD student at HKU studying immunology of autoimmune disorders
Flora Zhao (赵梦颖)
Flora Zhao (赵梦颖)
A second-year PhD at HKU studying T and NK cells
Freya Fang (方宛茗)
Freya Fang (方宛茗)
A third-year undergraduate student at University of Malaya majoring in biotechnology
Henakang Liu (刘恒康)
Henakang Liu (刘恒康)
A postdoctoral researcher at PKU researching tumour immune microenvironment and evolution
Jamie Lam
Jamie Lam
A first-year joint PhD student at HKU and U of T focusing on immunotherapy
Jason Liang (梁宇腾)
Jason Liang (梁宇腾)
A research assistant working at HKU studying tumour immunology
Jeckie Lin ( 林敏琪)
Jeckie Lin ( 林敏琪)
A first-year PhD student at UZH focusing on precision oncology in B-NHL patients
Kate Oh (吳仁瑛)
Kate Oh (吳仁瑛)
A third-year PhD student at HKU studying anaesthesiology and neuroimmunology
Mark Chen (陈竹霖)
Mark Chen (陈竹霖)
A first-year PhD-student at HKU studying cellular immunology in cancer tumour environment
Min Kim
Min Kim
A first-year MPhil student at HKU studying virus-vector vaccine
Nickolas Teo (張家銘)
Nickolas Teo (張家銘)
A final year PhD student at HKU investigating neutrophil plasticity in lipid-rich HCC
Polly Shiu (邵可錠)
Polly Shiu (邵可錠)
A PhD student at HKU studying Chinese medicine's therapeutic effect on atopic dermatitis
Qi Cao
Qi Cao
A PhD student at Peking University researching bioinformatics and tumour immunology
Qiuyu Jing (敬秋雨)
Qiuyu Jing (敬秋雨)
A postdoctoral researcher at HKU working on T cell related projects
Ronald Pang (彭鼎佳)
Ronald Pang (彭鼎佳)
An Assistant Professor at HKMU researching cancer and mental health disorders
Ryan Tse (謝梓曦)
Ryan Tse (謝梓曦)
A second-year PhD student at HKU studying cancer immunology
Siao Ting Chong
Siao Ting Chong
A research assistant at NTU Singapore researching hereditary cancer
Tianyu Ma (马天禹)
Tianyu Ma (马天禹)
A second-year PhD student at HKU studying HIV antibodies
Valerie Chiang (姜穎彤)
Valerie Chiang (姜穎彤)
A Resident Doctor in the Division of Clinical Immunology at Queen Mary Hospital
Vincy Chen (陈惟馨)
Vincy Chen (陈惟馨)
A third-year PhD student at HKU studying T cells in various diseases
Wenxuan Liu (刘文轩)
Wenxuan Liu (刘文轩)
A first-year PhD student at HKU studying microbiology and immunology
Ziji Zhao (赵子极)
Ziji Zhao (赵子极)
A second-year PhD student at PKU studying tumour bioinformatics

Other courses

Computational neuroscience
Computational neuroscience
24 – 29 June 2025
C. W. Chu College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Marine ecosystems
Marine ecosystems
30 June – 4 July 2025
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Emerging viral infections
Emerging viral infections
14 – 18 July 2025
HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, University of Hong Kong
Information theory
Information theory
3 – 8 August 2025
Chinese University of Hong Kong

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