
Anson Zhen (甄浩廷)
Anson Zhen (甄浩廷)
A second-year PhD student at HKUST researching quantum simulation with dipolar BEC.
Clark Liu (刘宇超)
Clark Liu (刘宇超)
An MPhil student at Cambridge focused on topological materials and cold quantum simulation.
Cody Hsieh (謝潤豪)
Cody Hsieh (謝潤豪)
A PhD student at Academia Sinica studying thermalisation of spinor condensates.
Emi Yukawa
Emi Yukawa
A researcher focused on spintronics in ultracold atomic systems with notable publications.
Frank Wu (吴熙至)
Frank Wu (吴熙至)
A first-year master's student studying ultracold atomic systems at Sun Yat-sen University.
Hao Qing Zhang (张昊清)
Hao Qing Zhang (张昊清)
A fourth-year PhD student at CU Boulder researching quantum simulation.
Haowei Li (李浩伟)
Haowei Li (李浩伟)
A fourth-year PhD student at USTC researching topology, quantum gases, and quantum stochastic resonance.
Jiali Zhang (张佳莉)
Jiali Zhang (张佳莉)
A PhD student at Huazhong University researching dipole condensation and phase transitions in ultracold atomic systems.
Kai Yuen Lee (李啟源)
Kai Yuen Lee (李啟源)
A first-year PhD student in Professor Yan's group at CUHK.
Kenny Yip (葉朗生)
Kenny Yip (葉朗生)
An instructor at CUHK focused on phononic crystals and quantum and condensed matter physics.
Mengbo Guo (郭孟博)
Mengbo Guo (郭孟博)
A first-year postgraduate student at HKUST interested in ultracold atoms.
Mingyang Liu (劉明揚)
Mingyang Liu (劉明揚)
A postdoctoral researcher at HKU studying strong-correlated problems in ultracold systems.
Nikola Lam (林希)
Nikola Lam (林希)
A theoretical researcher studying condensed matter and cold atom physics.
Peng Ren (任鹏)
Peng Ren (任鹏)
A second-year PhD student at HKUST researching quantum gases and many-body dynamics.
S.S. Nie (聶深雙)
S.S. Nie (聶深雙)
A second-year doctoral candidate at Southern University of Science and Technology researching ultracold dipolar quantum gases.
SeungJung Huh
SeungJung Huh
A postdoctoral researcher working on the Cs quantum gas microscope at Monika Aidelsburger and Immanuel Bloch group.
Sheng Wang
Sheng Wang
A researcher studying transport properties of one-dimensional integrable systems.
Shuyan Zhou (周书研)
Shuyan Zhou (周书研)
A physics student researching ultra-cold atom physics and quantum information.
Song Cheng (程颂)
Song Cheng (程颂)
A postdoc at HKU focusing on quantum many-body physics in one-dimensional systems.
Wenhui Xu (许文辉)
Wenhui Xu (许文辉)
A PhD student at Purdue University studying ultracold atom physics and non-Hermitian physics.
Xiaoyi Yang (杨骁屹)
Xiaoyi Yang (杨骁屹)
A PhD student at Xi'an Jiaotong University researching ultracold atoms, quantum dynamics, and non-Hermitian systems.
Xin Yuan Gao
Xin Yuan Gao
A PhD student at CUHK researching non-Hermitian dynamics in quantum gas systems.
Xingli Li (李星利)
Xingli Li (李星利)
A Research Associate at CUHK specialising in quantum many-body systems and quantum information theory.
Yifei He (何逸飞)
Yifei He (何逸飞)
A PhD student at HKUST researching many-body physics with dipolar quantum gases of ultracold erbium atoms.
Yu Zhao Nie (聂玉钊)
Yu Zhao Nie (聂玉钊)
A doctoral candidate at USTC researching quantum gas microscopy and spin-orbit-coupled ultracold atoms.
Zerong Huang
Zerong Huang
A PhD student in cold atom physics.
Zeyu Liu (刘泽宇)
Zeyu Liu (刘泽宇)
A PhD student at Fudan University researching ultracold atoms, supervised by Pengfei Zhang.
Zhida Bai
Zhida Bai
A postdoctoral fellow at HKU interested in ultracold atomic physics.
Zhiyang Wei (危志洋)
Zhiyang Wei (危志洋)
A master's student at Xi'an Jiaotong University studying cold atomic physics and energy level statistics.

Other courses

Computational neuroscience
Computational neuroscience
23 – 28 June 2025
C. W. Chu College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Marine ecosystems
Marine ecosystems
30 June – 4 July 2025
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Emerging viral infections
Emerging viral infections
14 – 18 July 2025
HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, University of Hong Kong
Information theory
Information theory
3 – 8 August 2025
Chinese University of Hong Kong

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