
  • 20 May — 24 May 2024

  • Room L2, 1/F., Science Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • HK$3,000 (Includes accommodation)

  • Apply by 5 April 2024


1st Day
09:00 — 10:00
One dimensional quantum systems I

(Professor Thierry Giamarchi)

10:00 — 10:30
Tea break
10:30 — 11:30
Quantum measurement, control, and feedback with atoms and light I

(Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn)

11:30 — 13:30
13:30 — 14:30
Dynamics, symmetry, and geometry I

(Professor Qi Zhou)

14:30 — 15:00
Tea break
15:00 — 16:00
Beyond-Hermitian quantum physics I

(Professor Masahito Ueda)

16:00 — 16:30
Tea break
16:30 — 18:30
Visit labs in CUHK
19:00 — 21:00
2nd Day
09:00 — 10:00
Beyond-Hermitian quantum physics II

(Professor Masahito Ueda)

10:00 — 10:30
Tea break
10:30 — 11:30
Quantum measurement, control, and feedback with atoms and light II

(Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn)

11:30 — 13:30
13:30 — 14:30
Synthetic dimensions I

(Professor Bryce Gadway)

14:30 — 15:00
Tea break
15:00 — 16:00
Transport to HKUST
16:00 — 18:00
Visit labs in HKUST
19:00 — 21:00
3rd Day
09:00 — 10:00
Synthetic dimensions II

(Professor Bryce Gadway)

10:00 — 10:30
Tea break
10:30 — 11:30
Quantum measurement, control, and feedback with atoms and light III

(Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn)

11:30 — 13:30
13:30 — 14:30
Dynamics, symmetry, and geometry II

(Professor Qi Zhou)

14:30 — 17:30
Free discussions
19:00 — 21:00
Dinner, free arrangement
4th Day
09:00 — 10:00
Strongly interacting Fermi gases I

(Professor Shizhong Zhang)

10:00 — 10:30
Tea break
10:30 — 11:30
One dimensional quantum systems II

(Professor Thierry Giamarchi)

11:30 — 13:30
13:30 — 14:30
Ultracold dipolar atoms and molecules I

(Professor Dajun Wang)

14:30 — 15:00
Tea break
15:00 — 15:30
Participants' presentations 1: Quantum Kelvin Helmholtz instability and exotic skyrmion in a ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

(Dr. SeungJung Huh, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)

15:30 — 16:00
Participants' presentations 2: Quantum metrology and simulation with matter waves in a high-finesse cavity

(Mr. Haoqing Zhang, University of Colorado Boulder)

16:00 — 16:30
Participants' presentations 3: Multipolar condensates and multipolar Josephson effects

(Mr. Wenhui Xu, Purdue University)

16:30 — 18:30
Poster session
19:00 — 21:00
5th Day
09:00 — 10:00
Ultracold dipolar atoms and molecules II

(Professor Dajun Wang)

10:00 — 10:30
Tea break
10:30 — 11:30
Strongly interacting Fermi gases II

(Professor Shizhong Zhang)

11:30 — 13:30
13:30 — 14:30
One dimensional quantum systems III

(Professor Thierry Giamarchi)

14:30 — 15:00
Tea break
15:00 — 15:30
Participants' presentations 4: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional dipolar gas

(Mr. Yifei He, HKUST)

15:30 — 16:00
Participants' presentations 5: Ultracold chemical reaction in Single-component Fermi gases

(Mr. Xin-Yuan Gao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

16:00 — 16:30
Participants' presentations 6: Numerical study of helical spin current in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

(Dr. Emi Yukawa, Teikyo University)

16:30 — 17:00
Tea break
17:00 — 17:30
Closing remarks
18:30 — 20:30

Other courses

Vaccine hesitancy

Vaccine hesitancy

5 – 9 August 2024

University of Hong Kong

Fully booked

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