Cody Hsieh (謝潤豪)
Academia Sinica
I am currently enrolled in the Taiwan International Graduate Program (a PhD program) of Academia Sinica in Taiwan. I obtained my master’s degree from the physics department of the National Taiwan University. My advisor is Dr. Ming-Shien Chang from the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science Academia Sinica. Dr. Chang’s group specializes in experimental ultracold atomic physics and optic science, focuses on quantum control of atomic spins for the purposes of quantum simulations and quantum sensing. In my master thesis I studied the relaxation dynamics of ground electronic spins of nitrogen – vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds and quantum control on NV centers. I am now working in Dr. Chang’s lab and we are working on our atomic Bose–Einstein condensate experiment, which focuses on the thermalization of spinor condensates, which is an isolated quantum many-body system.

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