S.S. Nie (聶深雙)
Southern University of Science and Technology
My name is Shengshuang Nie, and I am a second-year doctoral candidate in the Department of Physics at Southern University of Science and Technology. The advisor is Associate Professor Mingyang Guo. Currently, my primary research focus is experimental studies on ultracold dipolar quantum gases. During this period, as a key member, we successfully built the experimental setup for ultracold dysprosium (Dy) atoms within one year. My work is divided into three main parts: Early-Stage System Construction: Establishing the magnetic field system, optical system, and vacuum system. Atomic Deceleration: Achieving a narrow linewidth five-beam magneto-optical trap (MOT) for Dy atoms by lowering the position of the atomic cloud below the center,obtaining approximately 3*10^8 atoms with a temperature of 10 μK. Loading the MOT into an optical dipole trap (ODT) using scanning ODT techniques. Realizing Bose-Einstein Condensation through evaporation cooling, obtaining approximately 4*10^4 atoms with a temperature of 20nK. System Optimization: Optimizing the system to achieve a shaking range within 10%. Significantly increasing the atom number in the system. Currently, our laboratory has achieved Bose-Einstein Condensation with an atomic number of approximately 1.5*10^5 and a temperature of 20 nK. I am eager to have the opportunity to participate in this Summer Course, hoping to deepen my understanding of ultracold atoms through discussions and exchanges.

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