Synchrotron science has fuelled discovery for decades. With fourth-generation sources like Shenzhen's on the horizon, their vast potential remains largely untapped, particularly in the Greater Bay Area. This workshop aims to introduce advanced synchrotron techniques to PhD students and early-career researchers, featuring expert lectures and presentations on cutting-edge findings.
What you'll study
This summer course will not only focus on the development of the 4th generation synchrotron facility but also on its applications in ACEmats and related research areas for the participants. These functionally advanced materials are receiving immense current research attention due to their potential to solve global issues such as environmental pollution and the energy crisis. It is timely to host this event as the IASF synchrotron and its beamlines are still in the early phase of construction, and it also targets the scientific exchange between experts and junior scientists across the region and the rest of the world.
The summer course will span five days. It will include an SR facility visit and hands-on training, technical presentations on SR technology related to the latest 4th generation machine and the state-of-the-art beamlines, and the latest research on ACEmats that has exploited the unique capabilities of the latest generation synchrotron. It will be concluded with in-depth discussions and tutorials on the possible uses of SR techniques. The fourth day will be a visit to the SSRF in Shanghai for a more comprehensive understanding of the actual SR operation and practical experience for the participants.