
  • 26 May — 31 May 2014


1st Day
Day One
08:30 — 09:00
Welcome speeches and group photo taking
09:00 — 09:30
Morning tea/coffee and social networking
09:30 — 13:00
The Role of the IGS in modern geodesy and reference frame definition
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
13:00 — 14:30
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:30 — 18:00
Role of GNSS in Satellite Altimetry: Theory and Applications
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
18:00 — 20:30
Dinner at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
2nd Day
Day Two
09:00 — 12:30
High-precision GNSS attitude determination
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
12:30 — 14:00
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:00 — 17:30
GNSS Software Receiver and Scintillation Impact
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
17:30 — 20:30
Dinner at the Communal Building, 5th Floor, Staff Club Restaurant, PolyU Campus
3rd Day
Day Three
09:00 — 12:30
GNSS Integrity Monitoring
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
12:30 — 14:00
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor; Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:00 — 17:30
GNSS methods for studying tectonic and hydrologic deformation on various timescales
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
17:30 — 20:00
Dinner at the Communal Building, 4th Floor; Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
4th Day
Day Four
09:00 — 12:30
GNSS Reflection and Atmospheric Turbulence Measurement
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
12:30 — 14:00
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:00 — 17:30
Course Practice & Discussion Day
17:30 — 20:00
Dinner at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
5th Day
Day Five
09:00 — 12:30
GNSS radio occultation - current status and the road ahead
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
12:30 — 14:00
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:00 — 17:30
Precise Point Positioning – Latest and Future Developments
(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)
18:30 — 21:00
Dinner at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
6th Day
Day Six
09:00 — 12:30
GNSS for Ionosphere and Space Weather Studies

(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)

12:30 — 14:00
Lunch at the Communal Building, 4th Floor, Staff Restaurant, PolyU Campus
14:00 — 17:30
Satellite Altimetry Calibration and Validation Techniques

(3.5 hour lecture and discussion including 30 minute tea/coffee break partway)

17:30 — 18:30
Participation certificate distribution, close-ceremony speech and group photo taking

Other courses

Emerging viral infections
Emerging viral infections
14 – 18 July 2025
HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, University of Hong Kong

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