Ground-based LiDAR technology offers a powerful tool to gain detailed insights into urban boundary layer winds, essential for tackling issues like urban ventilation, thermal comfort, and pollution dispersion. A collaborative LiDAR network can provide comprehensive data for a holistic view, aiding research and policy decisions.
The course brings together interdisciplinary experts from Europe and Asia to foster knowledge exchange and build a continent-wide LiDAR network. By combining data from diverse cities and countries, the course aims to capture a broad spectrum of urban impacts on wind patterns. Practical applications will be demonstrated, showcasing how improved scientific understanding can enhance liveability in high-density cities.
Join us in harnessing the power of LiDAR for a more sustainable and resilient urban future.
Key topics
— LiDAR observations of urban wind environments
— Aerosol impacts on air quality and climate
— Transport processes in the urban boundary layer
— Experimental infrastructure and urban wind studies
— LiDAR techniques in high-density cities
Who the Institute is for
Established scientists in fields relevant to the topic.
Course director
Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong