Professor Yi Cui
Professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Stanford University
Prof Yi Cui went to University of Science and Technology of China, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 1998. He attended graduate school from 1998 to 2002 at Harvard University, where he worked under supervision of Professor Charles M. Lieber. After that, he went on to work as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor Paul Alivisatos at University of California, Berkeley. He joined Stanford University in 2005. I n 2010 he was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure and named as David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar. He is now a Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. His current research is on nanomaterials for energy storage, photovotalics, topological insulators, biology and environment. Prof Yi Cui is an Associate Editor of Nano Letters. He is a co-director of the Bay Area Photovoltaics Consortium, which is funded with $25M by the US Department of Energy. He has founded Amprius Inc., a company to commercialize the high-energy battery technology. He has received the Wilson Prize (2011), the David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar (2010), the Sloan Research Fellowship (2010), the Global Climate and Energy Project Distinguished Lecturer (2009), KAUST Investigator Award (2008), ONR Young Investigator Award (2008), MDV Innovators Award (2007), Terman Fellowship (2005), the Technology Review World Top Young Innovator Award (2004), Miller Research Fellowship (2003), Distinguished Graduate Student Award in Nanotechnology (Foresight Institute, 2002), Gold Medal of Graduate Student Award (Material Research Society, 2001).

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