Professor Qingfeng Li
Professor, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark
Prof Qingfeng Li is recognized internationally by invitations as organizing committee, scientific advisory board member and chair at international conferences (> 40 times), plenary and keynote speaker (> 20 times). Currently, he is Professor at Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and is involved in research on materials and technologies for electrochemical conversion and storage of energy. His research areas include proton conducting materials, electrocatalysts and the related technologies e.g. fuel cells and electrolysers. Dr Li received his Ph.D. in Electrochemistry from Northeastern University, China, in 1990. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr Li started in the early 1990´s the research on HT-PEM at DTU. He has participated/coordinated more than 20 EU and Nordic research projects within the HT-PEM fuel cell area, and is currently the leader of 4M Centre devoted to fundamental research om mechanism, materials, manufacturing and management of HT-PEMFCs, funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. Based on his contributions to the HT-PEM development he was in 2006 awarded Doctor Degree of Technices at DTU. Dr Li has published more than 120 peer reviewed journal papers, 3 authored/edited books and 10 book chapters, and nearly 200 conference presentations. Dr Li has an H-index of 25 with a total citation of > 4000 times. Dr Li has been involved in teaching 5 undergraduate courses and 6 graduate courses including a lecturing and an experimental course on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel cells at DTU. He is an active member of, among other, the Electrochemical Society and the International Society of Electrochemistry (and currently the region representative of Denmark 2012-now).

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