

Day 1
09:15 — 09:30
09:30 — 10:00
Technical lecture 1: Elliot Meyerowitz
10:00 — 10:30
Technical lecture 2: Paul Verkade
10:30 — 11:00
Pre-lab talk 1
11:00 — 13:15
Lab 1 - Cryo-EM
13:15 — 14:35
Lunch & discussion
14:35 — 15:00
Technical lecture 3 - Peijun Zhang
15:00 — 15:30
Technical lecture 4 - Joerg Bewersdorf
15:30 — 17:30
Introduction to new techniques - electron tomography
17:30 — 19:00
Dinner and discussion
19:00 — 21:30
Evening discussion - CryoEM
Day 2
09:15 — 09:30
Opening remarks & group photo
09:30 — 10:20
Open lecture 1 - Elliot Meyerowitz
10:20 — 11:10
Open lecture 2 - Paul Verkade
11:10 — 12:00
Open lecture 3 - Peijun Zhang
12:00 — 13:15
Lunch & discussion
13:15 — 14:05
Open lecture 4 - Joerg Bewersdorf
14:05 — 14:55
Open lecture 5 -
14:55 — 15:30
Tea break
15:30 — 16:20
Open lecture 6 -
16:20 — 17:10
Open lecture 7 -
17:10 — 19:00
Short break
19:00 — 21:30
Evening tour
Day 3
09:30 — 10:00
Technical lecture 5 -
10:00 — 10:30
Technical lecture 6 -
10:30 — 11:00
Pre-lab talk 2
11:00 — 13:15
Lab 2 - Imaging analysis
13:15 — 14:05
Lunch & discussion
14:05 — 14:30
Technical lecture 7 -
14:30 — 15:00
Pre-lab talk 3
15:00 — 17:30
Lab 3 - 3D TEM
17:30 — 19:00
Dinner & discussion
19:00 — 21:30
Evening discussion - cell biology and neurosciences

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