Tamara Giles-Vernick
Professor and Head of structure, Anthropology and Ecology of Disease, Institut Pasteur, France
Tamara Giles-Vernick currently conducts research
at the interstices of medical anthropology and ethnohistory (historical
research using anthropological tools), investigating infectious disease
transmission and global health interventions in Africa. She leads
multidisciplinary research examining the changing nature and contexts of human
contact with great apes and monkeys in equatorial Africa and the health
consequences of that contact; she also conducts anthropological research on
hepatitis B and vaccination, the historical emergence of HIV in central Africa;
malnutrition; infantile diarrhea in the Central African Republic; an historical
epidemiology of malaria in west Africa; hepatitis C transmission in hospital
and dental settings in Egypt; a comparative history of pandemic influenza; a
history of global health in Africa; and the history of epidemiological surveillance.