Noel Tordo has been the Head of the “Stratégies
Antivirales” Unit at the Institut Pasteur's Virology Department in Paris since
2004 and has led the “Biologie des Infections Virales Emergentes” Unit in Lyon
since 2006. He has held key positions such as Head of the National Reference
Centre for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers and Head of the WHO Collaborative Centre
for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers and Arboviruses since 2008. He is also a member of
the OIE Reference Laboratory for RVFV and CCHFV. In 2015, he became the Director
of the Institut Pasteur de Guinée in Conakry, Guinea. He
earned his Master’s degree from the University of Strasbourg in 1982, followed
by a PhD and postdoctoral work as an Investigator in the “Rabies” unit at the
Institut Pasteur from 1982 to 1993. He led the “Lyssavirus” laboratory from
1993 to 2002 and has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers, focusing on
RNA-dependent polymerases and viral host-switching. He actively participates in
scientific committees, organizes virology conferences, and contributes to
education in the field through various virology courses.