Ka Chi Chu (朱家摯)
University of Hong Kong
I graduated in 2024 and am currently working as a postdoc under the supervision of Prof Kathryn Cheah. My research interests include mainly developmental biology and stem cell models, in particular human developmental processes that occur during early embryonic development including gastrulation and axis formation. In my PhD study, I investigated underlying mechanisms of inner ear defects caused by a clinically common campomelic dysplasia SOX9 mutation with mouse models, organoids and bioinformatics, revealing a human-mouse conserved SOX9-Wnt-SOX10 regulatory network in embryonic otic development, providing insights into the observed endolymphatic abnormality. Now my research focuses on understanding of development of the axial mesoderm lineage, from the node, to the notochord, and finally the nucleus pulpous, primarily via single-cell transcriptomic profilings. Furthermore, we also aim to establish differentiation protocol employing human pluripotent stem cells to recapitulate the developmental trajectory of the axial mesoderm lineage, which would enable further genetic and molecular investigations.