Kevin Tsia
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Hong Kong
Kevin Tsia received his PhD at the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2009. He is the Director of the Biomedical Engineering Programme at the University of Hong Kong. His research interests cover a broad range of subject matters, including ultra-fast optical imaging for imaging flow cytometry, cell-based assays for high-speed in vivo brain imaging, and computational approaches for single-cell analysis. He is currently a Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Research Fellow (2020).
Tsia received the Early Career Award from the RGC for 2012–2013. He also received the Outstanding Young Research Award 2015 at the University of Hong Kong, as well as the 14th Chinese Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists in 2016. His recent research on ultrafast optofluidic imaging technologies, known as “ATOM” and "FACED,” has also been covered by media and scientific magazines. He is the author or co-author of over 200 journal publications, conference papers, and book chapters. He holds four granted and four pending US patents on ultrafast optical imaging technologies. He is a co-founder of a start-up company commercialising high-speed microscopy technology for cancer screening and treatment monitoring applications.