

Day 1 (Friday, 14 June)
09:00 — 12:00
Registration (Outside LT13)
12:30 — 13:45
Lunch (Speakers and invited participants) (Chinese restaurant)
14:00 — 14:15
Opening ceremony (Chair: Guohua Chen)

Welcome remarks (Leader from CityU)

14:15 — 15:15
Battery resilience under extreme conditions (Chair: Minhua Shao)

Chao Yang Wang, Pennsylvania State University

15:15 — 16:15
Single crystalline NMC/LCO cathode and rechargeable Li metal anode

Yong Yang, Xiamen University

16:15 — 16:30
Coffee/Tea breaks (Outside LT13)
16:30 — 18:30
Panel discussion with some leading remarks (Chair: Jijian Xu)

Xiang Liu                 Beijing Institute of Technology

Zhouguang Lu         Southern University of Science and Technology

Jiangtao Hu             Shenzhen University

Haitao Huang          The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Lin Zeng                   SUSTech

18:30 — 20:30
Dinner (Speakers and invited participants) (Chinese restaurant)
Day 2 (Saturday, 15 June)
09:00 — 10:30
Merging electrochemistry and optical sensing for battery diagnostics (Chair: Yang Ren)

Jean-Marie Tarascon, College of France

10:30 — 10:45
Coffee/Tea breaks (Outside LT13)
10:45 — 12:45
Panel discussion with some leading remarks (Chair: Yi Chun Lu)

Qiang Zhang                    Tsinghua University

Shuhong Jiao                   Peking University

Zhengdong Huang           Southeast University

Yongqi Zhang                   UESTC

Luyi Yang                         Peking University


12:45 — 13:45
Lunch (Speakers and invited participants) (CityU lodge)
14:00 — 15:30
Electrochemistry of Mg batteries (Chair: Jian Wang)

Linda Nazar, University of Waterloo

15:30 — 15:45
Coffee/Tea breaks (Outside LT13)
15:45 — 18:45
Panel discussion with some leading remarks (chair: Qiang Zhang)

Quanhong Yang           Tianjin University

Feng Li                           CAS

Kai Zhang                    Nankai University

Qifeng Zheng               South China Normal University

Weihua Chen               Zhengzhou University

Yoonseob Kim              HKUST 

18:45 — 20:30
Dinner (Speakers and invited participants) (CityU lodge)
Day 3 (Sunday, 16 June)
09:00 — 10:30
Advances on high density robust Lithium-rich layered oxides cathode (Chair: Qi Liu)

Kisuk Kang, Seoul National University

10:30 — 10:45
Coffee/Tea breaks (Outside LT13)
10:45 — 12:45
Panel discussion with some leading remarks (Chair: Zhaoyin Wen)

Zhaoyin Wen                     CAS

Jongwoo Lim                     Seoul National University

Wei Chen                             USTC

Xiaoguang Yang                 Beijing Institute of Technology

Yunxian Qian                     Capchem

12:45 — 13:45
Lunch (Speakers and invited participants) (CityU lodge)
14:00 — 15:15
Advances in all solid-state batteries (Chair: Yang Ren)

Hong Li, CAS

15:15 — 15:30
Coffee/Tea breaks (Outside LT13)
15:30 — 17:30
Panel discussion with some leading remarks (Chair: Jian Wang)

Anmin Cao             CAS

Jijian Xu                  City University of Hong Kong

Jian Wang               City University of Hong Kong

Jiong Zhao              Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Quanquan Pang            Peking University

17:30 — 19:30
General panel discussion

Yongyao Xia                       Fudan University

Yan Yu                                      USTC

Minghua Chen                 Harbin Enginnering University

Xiangyu Zhao                    Nanjing Tech

Xinhui Xia                             Zhejiang University of Technology

Haijun Yu                              Beijing University of Technology

Xuejie Huang                    Chinese Academy of Sciences

Guanglei Cui                     CAS

Yunhui Huang                  HUST

Hongbin Yao                      USTC

He Zhu                                    NJUST

Dong Luo                              Hunan University of Science and Technology

Akira Yoshino                    Asahi Kasei       

Huiming Cheng              CAS

Yonghong Deng              SUSTech

Shigang Sun                       Xiamen University

Jun Chen                              Nankai University

Feiyu Kang                          Tsinghua University

Jian Peng                               UNSW

Rebecca Milhuisen     CSIRO

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