Jiayang Gao (高嘉阳)
Chinese University of Hong Kong
My graduate work, focuses on functional and morphological characterization of extracellular vesicles in plant, we utilized advanced electron microscopic tools (CLEM/Electron Tomography) to solve the long-lasting debate about the existence of extracellular vesicles in plant cells as well as their nature and identity. During my PhD study, I focus on studying structures and trafficking of different organelles, for example, Golgi derived vesicles, ER, Autophagosome and Vacuole. By using electron tomography and light microscopy approach, we are able to observe detailed membrane structures at three-dimensional level at high resolution in a near native state. My future research goals are to combine my experiment skills with the advanced imaging systems to better understand the trafficking and confirmational changes of proteins as well as its role in mediating organelle functions.

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