Blue carbon

Carbon sequestration
Carbon sink
Coastal ecosystems
Global change ecology
Blue carbon is the carbon stored in coastal and open ocean ecosystems, including those habitats, species, and processes that facilitate the uptake of atmospheric carbon into the ocean and transport that carbon into sediments or deep waters. Coastal wetlands (mangrove, seagrass and salt marsh) are among the most productive ecosystems that sequester and store great quantities of blue carbon.
  • 12 April — 14 April 2023


Key topics

The goal of this three-day workshop is to identify possible mitigation measures for Hong Kong's marine territory, such as green aquaculture and wetland restoration, in order to achieve carbon neutrality. Leading scientists will be invited to give seminal talks on various aspects of blue carbon, biological pump, microbial carbon pump, geotechnical carbon storage, green aquaculture and other marine-related carbon sinks that can help reach carbon neutral. Local scholars, NGOs and governmental departments will also be invited to participate. Participants will review historical trends and the current status of the blue carbon in coastal wetland in global estuarine and coastal ecosystems, and will revisit the role of coastal ocean in carbon cycle, especially the fate of the river input, with the newest advance in the research on the subject. Participants will also make estimations of the upper and lower constraint of the capacity of the coastal seas in absorbing anthropogenic CO2, including the efficiency and capacity of the “biological pump” (including the "microbial carbon pump") in a warming scenario.

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