Lam Phung
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
I graduated as a medical doctor (2009), obtained a Ph.D. in biostatistics (2015), and worked as a biostatistician at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU, Vietnam) on clinical research during 2010-2020. In 2020, I became a lecturer at a medical school in Vietnam. I developed my teaching skills and was involved in collaborative research with the local Center for Disease Control and OUCRU on various topics, including vaccinations. In 2024, I was awarded the SG Academies South-East Asia Fellowship to become a Senior Research Fellow at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Singapore) and work on a project that uses vaccine registry to estimate the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases’ outbreaks in Vietnam. This project also explores a new approach to characterise vaccine hesitancy using vaccine registry database. I will formalise this idea into a mathematical model that can be used to describe vaccination hesitancy in Vietnam.

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