Dr Noel Tordo
Director, Institut Pasteur of Guinea
2004-present Head of Unit “Stratégies Antivirales”, IP, Virology Dept, Paris 2006-present Head of Unit “Biologie des Infections Virales Emergentes”, Institut Pasteur (IP), Virology Dept, Lyon 2008-present Head of the Natl Reference Centre for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, IP, Lyon 2008-present Head of the WHO Collaborative Centre for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers and Arboviruses, IP, Lyon-Paris 2008-present Member of the OIE Reference Lab (RVFV & CCHFV), IP Paris-Lyon (Head Dr; Michèle Bouloy) 2015-present Director, Institut Pasteur de Guinee, Conakry, Guinea. PREVIOUS POSITIONS 1981-1982 Master (Inst. Mol & Cell Biology, University Strabourg 1 1982-1993 PhD then Investigator (Assistant/Chargé de Recherche), Unit “Rabies”, IP, Virology Dept, Paris 1993-2002 Head of Laboratory “Lyssavirus”, IP, Virology Dept, Paris FIVE REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS (from a total of 130 peer-reviewed papers/reviews): 1. Poch O., I. Sauvaget, M. Delarue & N. Tordo (1989) Identification of four conserved motifs among the RNA-dependent polymerase encoding elements. EMBO J. 8:3867-74. 2. Eugène-Ruellan G., F. Freymuth, C. Bahloul, H. Badrane, A. Vabret & N. Tordo (1998) Detection of respiratory syncytial viruses A and B and parainfluenza 3 sequences in respiratory tract of infants by a single polymerase chain reaction in L polymerase gene and differential hybridization. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36:796-801 3. Badrane H & N. Tordo (2001) Host-switching in lyssavirus history from chiroptera to carnivora orders, J. Virol 75:8096-104. 4. Castel G, Chtéoui M, Caignard G, Préhaud C, Méhouas S, Réal E, Jallet C, Jacob Y, Ruigrok RW, Tordo N. (2009) Peptides that mimick the amino terminal end of the rabies virus phosphoprotein have antiviral activity., J Virol 83:10808-20. 5. Carnec X, Baize S, Reynard S, Diancourt L, Caro V, Tordo N, Bouloy M (2011) Lassa virus nucleoprotein mutants generated by reverse genetics induce a robust type I interferon response in human dendritic cells and macrophages. J Virol 85:12093-12097. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES (selection) Committees, Administrative Services and Related Scholarly Activities 2005-present INRA: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Animal Health Dept 2005-present ANSES: Member of the Scientific Committee, of the Board of evaluation 2005-present ICTV: Chair/Member of the Taxonomy Committee on Rhabdoviridae. 2005-present International Consortium for Antiviral: Member of the Board 2005-present French-Shanghai « genomic center » : Member of the Scietific Committee 2007-present Pole de compétitivité “Lyon Biopole”: Member of the Scientific Committee 2009-present European Society for Virology: Member of the Executive Board 2005-present (Co-)organizer of International/National Conferences “European Meeting on Viral Zoonosis, every 2 years; “Journées Françaises de Virologie”, yearly, IP-Paris; “Rabies in Eurasia”, OIE Conference every 3 years in Kiev, Paris, Seoul; “PASTEUR/NHRI/CDC Symposium on re-emerging virus infections », Tainan, Taiwan, 1-3 Sept 2006, etc. Research Seminars, Invited Lectures (over 100 since 1982) Teaching 1995-2015 Director, Fundamental Virology Course, IP, Paris, France. 2004-present Director, HKU-Pasteur Virology Course, HKU-Pasteur Research Centre, Hong Kong SAR. 2010-present Director, Zoonosis Course, IP, Paris, France. 1993-present Co-Organizer of Virology courses in France, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Brazil, Bulgaria, Morocco

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