Course info Programme
Prof. Andrew Rambaut
Prof. Rambaut is a Professor of Molecular Evolution - a world leading expert in virus evolution, epidemiology and phylogenetics. He has prominent research in developing computational methods for studying viral genomes and evolution, as well as applied studies on many emerging viruses including influenza, coronavirus, HIV, Ebola, Zika virus. His work has led to important findings of the origin and evolution of these emerging viruses of global concern. He developed the analysis platform and package, BEAST, which is one of the key analysis tools for studying virus evolution and epidemiology (citations > 12,000), and which received Mitchell prize in Bayesian statistics. He has published 208 papers including 19 Nature, 11 Science, 10 PNAS etc, with >37,000 total citations and 78 H-index. He is also very active in training the new generation of scientists on bioinformatics, molecular evolution and epidemiology.

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