Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Michael Landry is a professor of Oceanography in the Biological Oceanography curriculum group at SIO, which is part of the Ocean Biology Program (OBP). He received his PhD from University of Washington and BSc from University of California. Landry’s research focuses on plankton food web ecology, specifically the complex interactions of bacteria, phytoplankton, protozoa and small metazoans at the base of ocean food webs, and the effects of physical, chemical and climate influences on the organisation and dynamics of those assemblages. Much of this research is based on shipboard studies, which have applied experimental techniques for measuring production, growth and grazing rates in a variety of ocean ecosystems - the equatorial, subtropical and subarctic Pacific, the Arabian Sea, the Southern Ocean, and coastal waters of Washington, Oregon and California, as well as systems perturbed by natural physical disturbances (eddies and fronts) or designed manipulation (iron fertilisation).