Illustration of layered organic perovskites

Hong Kong researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites

24 May 2024

A team of researchers led by Professor Loh Kian Ping, Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Chemistry and Global STEM Professor of the Department of Applied Physics at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has made a significant advance in the field of materials science by creating 2D all-organic perovskites.

Perovskites are a class of materials with a wide range of potential applications, including solar cells, LEDs, and lasers. However, traditional perovskites are often inorganic, making them difficult to process and integrate into devices. All-organic perovskites, on the other hand, are solution-processible and flexible, making them more versatile and easier to work with. The design principles for creating three-dimensional (3D) perovskites using organic components have only recently been established. However, researchers face challenges in the synthesis of all-organic 3D perovskites due to the restricted selection of organic molecules that can fit with the crystal structure. Recognising this limitation, Loh and his team proposed an innovative approach: synthesising all-organic perovskites in the form of 2D layers instead of 3D crystals.

The research team which included Croucher Innovation Award winner Dr Kathy Leng and, as first author of the paper, Dr Hwa Seob Choi named the new 2D phase the Choi-Loh-v phase (CL-v). The material is made up of molecularly thin layers held together by weak van der Waals forces. The CL-v phase has a high dielectric constant, which makes it a promising candidate for use as a dielectric layer in 2D electronic devices.

The researchers have also demonstrated that the CL-v phase can be integrated with other 2D materials, such as molybdenum sulfide, to create high-performance transistors. This opens up possibilities for the development of more efficient and versatile electronic devices.

The team’s research was published in Science and represents an important step forward in the field of 2D electronics. It has the potential to pave the way for the development of new and innovative electronic devices with smaller size, lower power consumption, and higher performance.

Dr Leng is the holder of a 2023 Croucher Innovation Award. Her  work was featured in Croucher News last year