CUHK researchers develop aneurysm treatment

24 June 2023

A team from the Chinese University of Hong Kong unveils an innovative strategy for aneurysm treatment, using a microrobotic embolisation platform that utilises swarming self-adhesive microgels. The new technology, which significantly enhances the safety and efficiency of embolisation procedures, could change our approach to treating aneurysm-related diseases

In a significant advancement, researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong have created a new strategy to treat aneurysms, a potentially deadly condition. By using swarming self-adhesive microgels, the team has managed to address problems posed by high-speed blood flow in aneurysm treatment, thereby improving both the efficiency and safety of embolisation procedures.

Aneurysms, characterized by an abnormal outward expansion of an area in the blood vessel wall, often remain unnoticed due to lack of symptoms. When an aneurysm ruptures, it can lead to severe internal bleeding and even result in a mortality rate as high as 40% in some instances. Hence, addressing aneurysms is of importance in medical and surgical fields.

Traditional embolisation treatments involve endovascular delivery of embolic agents such as metallic coils or a gelling solution, designed to block the aneurysm sac and prevent blood from entering the aneurysm. However, these treatments can face limitations, including incomplete blocking of the aneurysm sac and the risk of unintended occlusion of distal blood vessels. Especially in cases of larger aneurysms or aortic dissection, these issues can be particularly challenging.

Responding to these issues, the research team, led by Professor Zhang Li from the Faculty of Engineering and Professor Simon Yu Chun-ho from the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, engineered a microrobotic embolisation platform. This novel platform uses swarming microgels, each a micro-sized sphere comprising a pH-responsive, self-healing hydrogel matrix, magnetic nanoparticles, and imaging dopants. When deployed into the aneurysm sac, the microgels respond to an added acidic solution, activating a self-adhesive mechanism that allows them to form a unified entity within the aneurysm.

The new technology has demonstrated encouraging results in tests, achieving a successful filling ratio of over 95% in an artificial blood flow environment. The microgels have shown the capacity to maintain strong and stable self-adhesion in a physiological environment for at least six months, indicating promising bio- and hemo-compatibility.

"In this collaborative research work with the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, we demonstrated a new approach using an image-guided microrobotic platform with magnetic microgels for endovascular embolisation," says Professor Zhang Li from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at CUHK.

This breakthrough serves as a potent illustration of the significant advancements that can be made through interdisciplinary collaboration, effectively marrying the fields of medicine and engineering.

This research represents a significant stride towards safer, more efficient treatments for aneurysms. It introduces the possibility for non-invasive approaches to embolisation, potentially paving the way for personalised treatment of various aneurysm-related diseases.

While further work, including animal studies and additional preclinical trials, is required, the team is optimistic about the potential impact of their research. They are dedicated to enhancing understanding and application of microrobotic swarms and are working towards translating these findings into real-world clinical applications.