Cardiomyocyte mitosis
Chi Chung Wu
Using fluorescence microscopy, this image depicts various stages of cell division in heart muscle cells. On the left, you can see a single cardiomyocyte (green) with a clear nucleus and a large microtubule network. On the right, you can see how the chromosomes line up during metaphase, how they separate during anaphase, and finally, how they have almost completely split into two separate cells.
This visual representation highlights the dynamic process of mitosis in cardiomyocytes, providing valuable insights into cellular mechanisms that could inform therapeutic approaches in cardiac repair and regeneration.
This visual representation highlights the dynamic process of mitosis in cardiomyocytes, providing valuable insights into cellular mechanisms that could inform therapeutic approaches in cardiac repair and regeneration.
Dr Wu leads his independent junior research group at the European Centre for Angioscience at Heidelberg University.