Exploring the regenerative potential of adult stem cells for repairing metabolic tissues.
The project focuses on developing novel diagnostics and therapeutics for metabolic tissue regeneration. Adult stem cells, capable of differentiating into multiple cell types, hold potential as regenerative therapies. However, these cells are scarce and activate rapidly when dissociated from their niche. This study combines the efforts of the laboratories of Cheung and Zeng, which specialise in satellite cells from skeletal muscle and pancreatic progenitor cells respectively. The joint laboratory is investigating the role of adult stem cells in metabolic tissue regeneration.
The team is establishing an organoid-based culture system derived from adult stem and niche cells in a multi-omics approach to understand tissue damage and repair. They are exploring molecular mechanisms of quiescence and activation in satellite and pancreatic progenitor cells, and identified genes encoding transcription factors that support stem cell functions, which were validated in the organoid system and in vivo. Phenotypic screening is used to identify small molecules that enhance these transcription factors, with a longer term aim to discover therapeutic drugs for metabolic tissue regeneration.
Key topics
- Adult stem cell differentiation
- Metabolic tissue regeneration
- Organoid culture systems
- Stem cell-niche interactions
- Transcription factor identification
Tom Cheung
Yi Arial Zeng
Principal Investigator
the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences