Croucher News

October 2020

Croucher engineers shine in Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize 27 October 2020

Two Croucher scholars have been named as awardees of the 13th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize by the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

When time began: mapping the earliest moments of our universe 21 October 2020

Dr Sam Wong's research extends from the smallest known particles in existence to the massive system they have created: our entire universe.

Wang Yao honoured by American Physical Society 16 October 2020

Wang Yao elected Fellow of American Physical Society for pioneering contributions to valley optoelectronics

Tackling the link between diabetes and kidney disease 13 October 2020

In Hong Kong, 52 per cent of new patients requiring dialysis treatment or renal replacement have diabetes as the cause of kidney failure – a challenge that Professor Sydney Tang (Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship 2019, Croucher Fellowship 1996) seeks to address.

What triggers a supernova? 6 October 2020

A multinational team of scientists has become the first to successfully examine the phase transition that may trigger a supernova.

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