Croucher News

November 2019

Max Planck Croucher Symposium 2019 29 November 2019

Scientists gathered at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University to discuss topics, ranging from Matter to Life.

Making Magnets for the Large Hadron Collider 21 November 2019

Ian Pong is the cable task leader for the American contribution of superconducting quadrupole magnets to CERN’s LHC upgrade.

Morphing flat materials into any shape you want 18 November 2019

How the maths behind the art of kirigami may engineer future change.

Training micro-robots to swim in complex fluids 11 November 2019

Targeted drug delivery by designing tiny swimming robots.

HKU scientists discover ‘signpost’ in chromatin maze 4 November 2019

Chemical biologists have identified a histone mark that regulates chromatin structure.

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